Kathy H. Witt

150 N. Limestone, Suite 265
Lexington, KY 40507
TEL: (859) 252-1771
FAX: 859-259-0973

Process Division
The Process Division coordinates the timely, efficient service of court documents. Our personnel serve documents ranging from criminal and civil summons to subpeonas. The Office of the Fayette County Sheriff prides itself on the coordination of our highly-trained deputies and Process Division Staff. Through this coordination, hard to find individuals are located for service, and court-ordered documents are served.
Collection of Property Tax
During the month of October, the Process Division is responsible for the collection of property taxes. For more information about the property tax collection process, please see our Property Tax FAQ.
Carry Concealed Deadly Weapon (CCDW)
Process Division is also responsible for the issuing of Carry Concealed Deadly Weapon (CCDW) licenses. Applicants in Fayette County must submit an application for, along with a fee of $60–twenty dollars to the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff, and forty dollars payable to the Department of State Police. Payment is accepted as a check or money order.
For more information about CCDWs, please see the Kentucky State Police website.
© Office of the Fayette County Sheriff 2019
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